Every human struggles with anxiety but we often don’t realize exactly what it is.
Anxiety can range from the subtle to the all out excessive. It is a common human emotion typically experienced when an individual perceives a future threat or is presented with a challenging or uncertain situation. This response is often characterized by feelings of fear, worry, feelings of impending doom and unease, often accompanied by physical symptoms such as increased heart rate, sweating, muscle tension and an inability to be present. While some levels of anxiety are a normal response to stressful situations, excessive anxiety can negatively impact an individual's life, affecting their relationships, work, and overall well-being. When anxiety becomes excessive, it is important to address it right away.
Although there are many ways to manage and treat anxiety, practicing mindfulness and being present in the moment have been shown to be very effective strategies. Being present is something we are all capable of doing if we are willing (no supernatural beliefs needed). It only means paying attention to the current moment without judgment or distraction and focusing on the experience without worrying about the future or dwelling on the past. I don't know about you, but this seems like a much more preferable way to live. By focusing on the present and not paying attention to thoughts, the mind becomes calm, we begin to feel safe and anxiety levels decrease.
For those who deal with excessive levels of anxiety, relaxation is their best friend. Anxiety often results in the release of stress hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol, which can trigger physiological symptoms such as increased heart rate and shallow breathing. This keeps us in an activated fight or flight state. People with excessive anxiety live in this state all the time. It is awful (I can tell you this from personal experience). This is why it is so important to literally force relaxation upon oneself. Short term pain for long term gain, is what a teacher once told me. I make myself relax for a few minutes (sometimes longer) throughout the day. I focus on my breathing and regulate my breath. I become more aware of right where I am at that moment. Nothing else matters. I am no longer ruminating or dwelling or planning. This helps me to bring my parasympathetic nervous system into balance, resulting in a reduction in anxiety symptoms (and a more enjoyable day).
Without question, anxiety is a common human emotion that can significantly impact every aspect of an individual's life if not adequately managed. It can cause you to live in a state where you continually feel under some kind of future threat or immediate danger- whether it be from outside forces or from within your own body. Mindfulness and being present are effective strategies for reducing anxiety, promoting relaxation, reducing worry and negative thought patterns. By disciplining your mind to remain present and calm in stressful situations, you really can mitigate the impact anxiety has on your life. You just have to decide that you have had enough of anxiety.
If you would like help getting your anxiety under control, please feel free to schedule a session.