Mindfulness is not a sprint. It is not something you will master and get the benefits of right away. Mindfulness is a practice that takes time and effort to develop. Sometimes a lot of time. There will be days, weeks or months when you feel like you are as far away from being mindful as you can possibly get. And there will be days, weeks or months when you feel like you are very present and calm as you go through your day. What is important is to continue practicing mindfulness.
I once had a meditation teacher who would say “Don’t break the string, don't break the string!” What he meant was that by meditating everyday, over a period of time, is when the real benefits of mindfulness practice show up. It doesn't matter if you practice twenty minutes or five minutes. What is important is that the string is not broken by missing a day.
Mindfulness is not about trying to control your thoughts or feelings. It is not about trying to make yourself be more positive than negative. It is about accepting yourself as you are, without judgment. When you practice mindfulness, you learn to observe your thoughts and feelings without getting caught up in them or trying to push things away. We are just sitting with what is. There is a lot of research on the benefits of doing this on a daily basis. Stress, anxiety and depression can all be greatly reduced. Mental focus and physical health can be increased.
When you are mindful, you are not dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. You are simply experiencing the present moment. This is why it does not matter if you have not meditated for five years after the last time you sat down and meditated. What is important is to sit down and meditate again! And try not to break the string. If you do break the string and miss a day or a month, you just start again.
That is the great thing about meditation practice- you can always start back up again.
Mindfulness is a practice that can be done anywhere, anytime. Ideally it is best to practice sitting meditation for a certain period of time each day. But you can also practice mindfulness while you are walking, eating, doing the dishes or driving. There are many different ways to practice mindfulness as you make your way through your day. You just have to want to do it.
Mindfulness is a powerful tool that can help you to live a more present and fulfilling life. It can help with your blood pressure and immune health. There is so much research on the benefits of mindfulness practice. It is not a quick fix, but it is a practice that can be very beneficial in the long run. The more you stick with the practice, the more you will notice things about yourself and your brain changing (see neuroplasticity). It takes time but all you have to do now is sit down and meditate. Try not to break the string. See what happens.